Why Conscious Mindset Work Will Only Get You So Far In Business (REWIRE YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS)

Why Conscious Mindset Work Will Only Get You So Far In Business (REWIRE YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS)

When was the last time that you updated your device, your phone, your laptop, your tablet, whatever it might be?

I bet it was sometime in the last two years, most likely. And now I want to ask you when was the last time you upgraded your subconscious programming? Probably you weren’t expecting that. Because this is a question that we really should be asking ourselves, in my opinion, and experience.

Because the thing about it is, we as human beings have our subconscious programming installed before the age of about eight. And when it was installed and wired in it started determining how we respond to everything. As a child of up until the age of eight, that’s how it works. We don’t have our conscious critical intellectual mind to break in, to actually to decide whether what’s been downloaded is actually correct or not.

And so with that in mind, do you think that the programming that you had wired in as a child which is now your default, if you like, because that’s how it works as human beings. Do you think that that is going to be making the best decision for you now as an adult. Especially in your business, what are your thoughts on this?

So, when I work with my business clients, I work with Rapid Transformation Therapy, which upgrades your subconscious programming and one of my hypnotherapy friends actually called RTT “therapy on steroids”, that’s what she call it actually. Because she had experienced it and I would agree with that. Because what RTT does within the business program that I deliver and participated with my clients is it upgrades your subconscious programming so that it actually meets you at the best adult place that you are in now for a want to have a better explanation.

And so, therefore, you are not staying stuck as a child that you are, which might sound a bit bizarre, but so many of us are making decisions from a place of that seven, eight, nine year old. And were making decisions in our business based on that older, no longer relevant programming.

And there can be a lot of stuff that goes on in our childhood that can actually impact us when we are attempting to grow our business because it can come off in imposter syndrome, self-sabotage, procrastination, perfectionism, these are the classic ways that we block ourselves by having not updated that programming like we would our phones.

And so many of us adults can just be walking around with the same programming that we had, that was wired into us as children. But it can really block us in so many ways in business. Consciously, you know you deserve more but because the conscious mind is such a tiny bit of our brains we are working against the deeper subconscious programming all the time. 

You know you deserve more and that you can be more but if that deeper subconscious programming is not onboard or is telling you something else like you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve this, you are not worthy or whatever else kind of tracks kind be playing in the background, these are very emotional statements that you are going to be saying to yourself.

And the thing about it is when there is a battle between emotion and logic in the mind, emotion will always win out. Emotion will win out over logic every time, in fact when we are highly emotional about something or something is of great importance to us emotionally our logical centres actually shuts down in our brain and we will always default. It’s one of the fundamental rules of the mind.

So, what can we do about this in order to, and this is why only why conscious mindset work only gets you so far, you know, so many of my clients say “Oh I’m doing the work, and do the journaling, and I’m using the vision board, I’m doing gratitudes every day”, and that stuff is amazing, don’t get me wrong, I do it myself but in order to outrun or outperform your old faulty programs you must upgrade your subconscious identity. 

Who you are, because you cannot outrun your identity and if your identity is trapped as that seven, eight, nine year old you’re gonna have to do something about that. Because it will always default to that unless you change it and that’s where we can feel like we fall short with the conscious mindset work, like the things that I just mentioned. 

When we actually go down under the surface to what lies beneath, if you like, we then can work on the identity, because you cannot outrun or outperform your identity. It is not what it is, it is who we are that we’re working with them and that is key.

When you work with me or my clients work with me, we’re working on the emotions that lie beneath. We’re lying on the beliefs, the habits, everything that is under the surface, under the iceberg, if you like, because that is what’s driving the unwanted behaviours and pattern. That is what is driving it, and traditional, if you like traditional coaching and therapy sometimes can feel like putting a bandaid on the problem. 

And so many people come to me when they’ve tried out all the methods, you know conscious type methods. And yes I worked with the conscious mind too, but really RTT and the other techniques that I used very much get to the root cause, get to the root of the issue, the thing that started it so that it no longer controls what you do. Because you are now the person who is different. 

It’s really very powerful, and the thing is that if you feel like your identity needs a massive upgrade so that you can get out of your own way and just step into that transformation leader that you know you are destined to be, that you know you are here to be. Then you can really step into that, it’s just a matter of choice, it’s a matter of deciding, deciding that that’s the change that is required for you to step into this new identity, you need to rewire your mind for success.

So if this sounds like something that you would like to explore a little bit more, then I would love to speak to you.

So pop me a message wherever you find me, pop me a little message and I will be very very happy to speak a little further with you about how RTT programming, reprogramming of the mind can really really change your life and business for the better.

So thank you for watching and I will see you again soon. Bye for now. 

Are You Attracting The WRONG Kind Of Client?

Are You Attracting The WRONG Kind Of Client?

Now, today I want to talk about something that could be seen a little controversial and if you are very sensitive you may not really want to watch this video.

Are you attracting all the wrong kind of people in your business? And I guess I want to ask you, do you feel like it is anything to do with you? This is a kind of real talk alert here, and if you are easily offended. Just pop it out of the video for you.

I want to give you some examples of the reasons I see all the time with my clients, as to why perhaps they are not attracting the kind of clients that they really want to work with. The people they know they can really help. I want to give you a few reasons for this.

You’re playing safe. I’ve been here, perhaps you’re always concerned about saying the wrong thing or what people might think of you, so you don’t really share what you really want to say because you are worried you’ll offend someone or hurt someone’s feelings. Does that resonate? 

Yes, that’s very kind, that’s a kind quality on somebody which is to be admired. But in some ways what we’re actually doing by being kind and again as I said, I have my hand up here, I’ve done this too. When we are wanting to be kind and therefore darling down our message and what we really want to say, we’re actually in some ways keeping our clients stuck, keeping them stuck in the same patterns.

And what is important to know here is that when people are struggling, whether it is in their health, whether it is with their finances, whether it is with their relationships or anything else, because these are the three key areas where people tend to coach and do therapy. When they’re in that place, they’re almost like in a negative trance, what I would call like a negatively hypnotised, and they actually need to be in some ways jolted out of it, need to be snapped out of this negative trance that they brought themselves into. 

They kind of need to be dehypnotised from all of the rubbish that they’ve been buying into. Perhaps sometimes all their lives and maybe that stuff was fed to them, maybe they’ve been feeding themselves all that negative stuff.

But it’s actually our job as therapists and coaches to help them to escape from that programming. So when you are being kind or not really sharing the message that you’re here to share or you just don’t want to say things in case it might hurt someone, you are actually doing a disservice to your ideal clients. 

The next thing that I see a lot of is a fear of showing or speaking with your real voice, your real truth, things that you really want to say. And how I see this happening is therapists, coaches, wellness professionals speaking and behaving as they think they’re supposed to rather than how they really feel.

Really want to express themselves and where this tends to head is in what might be called vanilla type messaging. Where you’re kind of touching on a point, you’re not fully saying what you really want to say. But it just comes across as a bit bland, a little bit “meh”.  And that’s what I see so much of as well. And again it comes from a good place but it’s not impactful. So you just tend to blend into what everybody else is saying.

And then you have the opposite effect where you’re trying to be too polish, you’re trying to be too perfect, you are not wanting to have a hair out of place on your Facebook live or perhaps you know you are stopping yourself from showing up because maybe you’ve got a big spot on your face or you didn’t put your makeup on right or perhaps you’re just worried that today is not a good day and the lighting isn’t great.

And the thing this particular issue is or this mindset block is that it is what is, and it’s a form of procrastination, it really is. Perfectionism is kind of in here as well, but the thing is perfectionism breeds procrastination and it’s a form of it. And I heard someone say one day, recently, that perfectionism is just procrastination in a nice dress, I really relate it to that, and I really agree. 

So when you are trying to be too polish then you are kind of feeling like you’re not really being yourself and the thing is that people want to connect with you, people want to relate to you. People just want connections so much they want to build relationships. 

But if people think you’re too perfect and shiny and polished, and perhaps you’d never had a problem of your own or maybe you are not showing any kind of vulnerability, and the way you’re showing up and you don’t share anything perhaps about your own struggles because we want to know that the person that is guiding us has actually lived their life as well.

We don’t want to think that person is perfect, without challenges. At least that’s how I feel. And this is what my clients come to me with these issues where they are, they don’t show up because they are really wanting to feel more polished and that day never really comes. When you are feeling polished and prim and perfect, then it’s like your kind of thinking well you know that’s not the real me, so therefore my clients are going to get disappointed when they actually come face to face with who I really am.

These are the big things that I see coming up so often. And of course, fear is a driver behind a lot of these. And when you are saying the same kind of things that everybody else is saying, then, and you know what will tend to happen is, and it happens to all of us, I’m sure you can relate to this, your eyes glaze over when you’re hearing the same message over and over again delivered by different person but in the same way, it just blends in. 

People need a pattern interrupt, they need a break of state to take action and to actually make a change. So, think about what it is you’re not sharing because of fear or because of any of these particular kinds of delaying tactics that I mention or perhaps these are things that are most likely to do with not actually feeling good enough, not feeling worthy enough. They can come to self-trust, self-doubt issues and lack of self-belief. 

So, when this happens, it’s just about time to start to look more within, within yourself. And where that comes into play is in upgrading your identity. You hear me talk about identity a lot because it is key. You don’t need another course, you don’t need another strategy or funnel or all these shiny marketing things to make those points that I made earlier actually become reality for you. 

What you need is next level identity. That’s what is needed here. Who do I need to be to show up as the authentic me? What is the authentic me? How does she live her life? Does she do a Facebook live without doing all her makeup right? Is she able to show up and give a solid message to her ideal client? Of course. So, if you want to overcome your fear or your insecurities and your false beliefs about your worthiness, because they are false, cause you are absolutely worthy. 

Then, certainly, send me a message or book a call with me, so that we can just make this be a different identity this year, make you be actually the person that you were destined to be – the therapist, the coach, the transformation leader that you are actually deserving of, being.

Give me a call or pop me a message if you would like my help with this. In the meantime, ask yourself, who does this person who shows up without worrying about all those things, who just shares her message authentically, without barriers, who is that person? 

Because she is you, she is you, it’s just a matter of stepping into her, and working from that place on a daily basis, for letting that drive your daily actions rather than the person you were yesterday or the person you were last month.

So, thank you for watching this video and I look forward to seeing you in the future. With some more messages about messaging, and mindset, and visibility and all of those things. So take care for now, bye.

Break Your Limiting Beliefs and ATTRACT Your Ideal Coaching Clients

Break Your Limiting Beliefs and ATTRACT Your Ideal Coaching Clients

Hi there, I’m Claire Brett and I help Coaches, and Therapists and Wellness Professionals to eliminate the inner obstacles that hold them back from being wildly successful in their business. And today I want to tell you in the nicest possible way that it’s not about you.

Now, you may say “What Claire are you talking about?”. What I’m talking about here is a lot of the time when coaches, therapists, people a little bit like me are thinking about putting ourselves out there and sharing our message so that we can find the clients that we can really help, we struggle with the visibility piece. And we get a little bit scared about putting ourselves out there and what I’d love to invite you to think about today is to shift your focus, shift your focus gently away from yourself and instead learn to shine the spotlight on your ideal clients, on your dream people that you love to serve.

Because it’s not about you. And here’s the thing, I’ve been here.

I’ve been here where I’ve thought “Ughh. I don’t want to go live today, because..what will they think if I have a message to share, what if someone criticizes me, what If someone judges me, what If I get pulled up on what I’m saying.” 

 I’ve been there. I guess I should say that I’ve been through everything that I suggest and advise you on here. But what I have learned over the years working with so many clients, and also working with therapists and coaches is that when we focus in on ourselves we’re missing the point. It’s not about us, it really isn’t.

And when we get to that mindset of making it “about me”, then we’ve got the completely wrong focus. Because if we can get to a place where we are just thinking “how can I serve?”, taken the spotlight off – “Am I a good enough” and Is my message okay? to shifting that over to how can I serve, instantly things change, everything changes.

When you ask yourself before writing a post or making a video, if you ask yourself, instead of asking yourself  – is this good enough, am I good enough? Is it enough? whatever all this self talk you may have, instead of saying that, how would it feel to instead say “what do my people need”, what could I impart to just one person today that may make an impact on them?

And when you shift your focus over to that it makes an instant, an instant change, it makes a transformation in you and in the message that you share. So stop asking Am I good enough and instead ask what do my people need.

Because the thing about it is, when you are in this place of focusing in on your self, I get it. Most of the time it’s to do with some inner conditioning that we have about ourselves, possibly one that’s been there for a very long time, but when you start looking outwards from your self instead of looking from the outside in when we start looking outwards from ourselves what happens is the message that we’re wanting to share become so much more important than anything else.

And, therefore, the message becomes way more important than your fear. Fear is your friend, I don’t want to suggest in any way that you need to be fearless to be able to be successful in business. The very opposite of that fear is that our friend that’s here to protect us. But we can let it sit along with us, we don’t need it to take over the show.

Honestly, when you look outwards from yourself and put the spotlight on your dream client on your ideal client instead of on yourself, you will notice a massive shift. And it will make you show up as the real you, the authentic you. Because the thing about it is, when you are hiding yourself, or when you are not showing up or maybe hiding a little bit in general. Your ideal client does not miss out on your amazingness, and that’s just doing everyone a disservice. So bear in mind, that putting yourself out there, yes, it can be scary, but doesn’t it feel good when you’ve done it? Doesn’t it feel good?

Because as I always say your ideal dream client is out there, and you are the person they need to hear from, just you. And if you can just shift that focus to Am I good enough to how can I serve, to who needs to hear my message today, what do my people need today. You will very much make a massive shift in your own self and in the success of your business and you will attract your ideal coaching clients.

Thank you and bye for now. 

The Right Mindset For Coaching Business Success (GET MORE COACHING CLIENTS)

The Right Mindset For Coaching Business Success (GET MORE COACHING CLIENTS)

Today I want to talk about something that I feel quite passionately about. And that is I guess the question to you, and the question is, why is your mindset work not working?

So mindset. It’s a huge word, isn’t it? And the thing is that there are so many different layers to mindset and we have everybody popping up around now talking about “Oh, you know you got to keep your mindset good and you’ve got to have a good mindset to be able to drive your business forward”, and so and so forth, and yet that’s all true. 

But what is the quality of the mindset work that you are doing? And are you doing it consistently? Is it something that you pick up and you drop? Is it something that you do three days a week, five days a week? Is it something that you just don’t do at all? And then the second question that I have about that is, what kind of mindset work are you doing? And is it working for you?

Because I know that there are many people, people that I know in my world and also some of my clients before they come to me have said this “Oh yeah, I’m doing the mindset work, I’m doing it and I’ve been doing it for three years”. And I’m saying to them and so what’s changed? What massive shift has happened for you in that time that you’ve been doing that mindset work? And they were like, “Well actually I’m still doing the same stuff, I’m still repeating the same patterns and I’m still thinking the same thoughts and I’m being unproductive, and I’m procrastinating and I’m falling into comparisonitis and I’m thinking everybody is better than me.”

So then, that’s a red flag for me as a hypnotherapist and an RTT therapist, it’s a red flag because I know that if the mindset work and I’m doing the air quotes on this one because it is subjective. If the mindset work isn’t making a massive shift in you and in your business, especially, and in your life too because obviously both are intertwined. 

If the mindset work is not making a huge shift for you then I would argue that you are doing the wrong mindset work. And most of the time that happens because people are working on the conscious mind only. So examples of this would be things like reciting affirmations daily, maybe some journaling work. And don’t get me wrong, I do all of these things and I love all of these things, but I would consider those conscious daily routines.

And for some people they were quite well. But for others if there are those deeper things going on that are preventing you from moving forward in your business. To do with beliefs that you are holding, core patterns that you have, perhaps even ancestral patterns that have come down from your family that you haven’t shaken off, about money, or about being good enough or whatever it might be. If they are always kind of beneath the surface and they are not being dealt with and the affirmations are being piled on to them and doing like a little bit of kind of pulling an oracle card and saying a nice statement from that, again these are all things that I think are fantastic. But if you don’t deal with the deeper issues, there is a problem and it will keep resurfacing and I speak from experience here.

Even as a hypnotherapist, I’ve done the whole “Yeah I’m doing the mindset work”, but I’m finding myself getting stuck against the same things until I did that really deeper work. Over twelve years of being a hypnotherapist, and a coach, and a teacher and all of the stuff that I’ve done in the last twelve years, the most powerful shift I’ve had have been in the last year with RTT, Rapid Transformational Therapy. And that is something that I weave into my work with my clients. It’s powerful, it’s quick, it does what it says on the tin. It gets to the root cause of why you are repeating the same patterns over and over and over again. And it gives you a new understanding, it gives you a new interpretation, a meaning to the events of your life which have led you to keep bringing this pattern and behaviour into your business. 

And so, you really do have to look at this mindset work and ask is it deep enough. Because if the mindset work that you’ve been doing isn’t working then I would suggest it’s not deep enough. And when I work with my clients with Rapid Transformational Therapy combined with my mindset mentoring, and the coaching that I use in my packages with my clients, the results are astounding because they are happening at a subconscious level, that place of what lies beneath, the place where we store about 95% of all of our programming. We’re working at that level to change it at a subconscious level, to rewire your thinking, deeply. 

So, if what I’m saying today is striking a chord with you, and you are thinking “Yeah, I’ve been doing this mindset work, actually I’m doing it for two hours every day for the last two years but I am still comparing myself to other people online or wherever it is. Or I am still coming up against this money blocks, I’m still coming up against this feeling of not being good enough.”

And where this really shows up is not wanting to be visible, and not wanting people to watch your videos and see your content and second-guessing everything, perfectionism. All of these things are a red flag to say that maybe you need to go a little bit deeper.

I hope this sparks something in you and makes you a little bit more aware of the quality of the mindset work that you might be doing and whether it’s really enough. 

So, if you feel like it isn’t enough and you need the right mindset to get more coaching clients, then do please do reach out to me and pop a message, I can help. Thank you and bye for now. 

Place Value On Your Solution First (Remove Money Blocks)

Place Value On Your Solution First (Remove Money Blocks)

Arianna Huffington said making money and doing good in the world do not have to be mutually exclusive. What are your thoughts on this?

Do you feel like to be able to have success that you must sacrifice something else? Or do you feel like as a coach, a healer, a therapist that you can’t charge high prices because the person is struggling and you feel like you are not being therapeutic or charitable or healing in charging well for your services.

What are you not taking action on your business because you don’t feel brave enough to proceed with it or to share it? Where in your business are you tied to an identity that you think is better than who you are now and is causing you a lot of stress?

Today, I just want to touch on these things because it’s something that I hear and something that I’ve experienced personally as a Therapists for 12 years now, is this idea that making money and being of service must be mutually exclusive. They really don’t need to be, helping people and having freedom, having abundance in our lives they can actually coexist quite comfortably. But if you are believing that they can’t then that will be so.

So this shows of many times as visibility issues, or sense of censoring yourself, not wanting to say what you really want to say or not sharing your offers with your ideal clients because you fear that you might be judged or that somebody may say “who does she thinks she is” or what it might be. 

But the problem with this thinking is that people are paying for things that they value all the time. And this is the thing, sometimes we can kind of put ourselves down a bit of rabbit hole saying “nobody will pay for that” or “I can’t charge that much for my services”. And the thing that I’ve learnt over the years, many many times, is that people will always find money for what they value and that’s the truth and that’s coming from somebody who has worked in sensitive niches such as fertility and pregnancy and birthing. And what I have found is that when people value your service and when you express what your offer is, because there is a difference between selling a program and good offer. 

When people understand how their lives are going to be impacted and how they can move away from the pain that they are in and when they trust you as a person and they’ve gotten to know you on some level as a person either through your content or your messaging, your videos or whatever it may be and they trust you. If those people trust you and want to work with you, they will find the investment to work with you. 

And where the trouble starts is when you are sharing your message but you don’t feel aligned because you feel like you want to hide because you don’t want to mention the price or however this may present itself. What tends to happen here is that you’ll hold yourself back from actually presenting your offer, you’ll find every excuse in the book to actually divert completely from sharing what it is that you can offer your ideal clients, and then you’re just doing everyone a disservice. Because your dream client that you can absolutely help to facilitate transformation with is then going without your help, and perhaps going to somebody else who’s not even remotely as qualified as you to help them. 

So, really, a great mentor of mine said many years ago “when you withhold your offer for fear of not wanting to mention your prices, you’re being a little bit selfish”. And I remember when I heard that I thought, “Oh, it’s true”, because you are actually depriving. If you look at it that way, flip it, flip it a bit and think “Am I depriving the people that need me by not sharing what it is I have to offer”, because the thing is that it’s none of our business to decide for our client what they can and can’t afford. 

And sometimes yes, people may not have access to a huge amount of funds but sometimes they can find it when something like an emergency comes up or something comes up to do with health or anything else they tend to. I’ve done it, having been somebody who’s gone through multiple IVFs, at times when we didn’t have the money for them, we found it. And it was because it was a need, it was something that wasn’t a nice to have, it was a have to have.

And so really, your job is to express to your clients, to your audience how you can help them to get beyond their pain, to move beyond their pain and to get to the place where they are actually free of their problem. So, if you’re hiding because you don’t want to mention prices then how are they going to find you? You need to remove money blocks that limit your coaching business success.

So this is my message for today, Please know that helping people and making money do not have to be mutually exclusive. You can do both. 

Thank you and bye for now. 

Why Traditional Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Work For Therapy, Coaching, and Wellness Practitioners

Why Traditional Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Work For Therapy, Coaching, and Wellness Practitioners

Today I wanted to talk to you about why regular business strategy doesn’t work for people working in the therapy profession, coaching, wellness, holistic practitioners. Why traditional marketing strategy doesn’t work for us?

I speak for my experience here, having been working in therapy and coaching for the last twelve years, training, coaching, therapy and I have bought all the courses. Maybe you can relate to this, I’ve bought all the courses, I’ve enrolled in all the programs, I have taken on coaches and mentors.

While some of them were amazing, some of the courses and the coaches are amazing. What I was missing and I’ve discovered this, I really just discovered this in the last year or so, the traditional method doesn’t work for us because we are different. Because the very fact that we are therapist and coaches means that we care about people, at the core of it, we care about people. And we want people to succeed, we want them to get past the traumas that they’ve experienced in their lives and move through to a better way of being.

Sometimes the traditional marketing methods can be all about drive forward, push through, that masculine energy type of thing. I know that when I was moving through my business life I guess. I have just found those marketing techniques, they don’t just land with therapy clients, with people who are struggling in life and my main niches were fertility and pregnancy. The thing is that when people are stuck in their lives, they just feel pain and the traditional marketing method which are all about push through, drive through, you know give the classes, give the webinars, give the master classes and then send 10 or 6 emails.

It just isn’t successful all the time for us and then we’re left wondering why don’t I have enough clients. Or maybe perhaps you are attracting the wrong kind of clients, that’s what something that can happen quite a lot when you are not really fully aligned with marketing methods that you might be using or strategy.

So as a hypnotherapist at my core, I know that dealing with people on a conscious level will only get you so far and that when I have found over my career that I have toyed with many different tools and methods and strategies to get clients but also to help them when I’m actually working with them. And what I’ve discovered over time is that it has to be authentic, it has to be true to you for it to work, it has to feel aligned. I know that when sometimes you’re pushing through with somebody else’s model of what works, it can really feel that you are out of alignment – misaligned, and when you do that, we tend to hide, I’ve been there.

The message that I want to give to you today is “Your ideal client, your dream client or group of people you may really want to work with, they really have to see you, fully see you”. I believe there’s a big difference between being visible and being fully seen. I really believe that when you decide to be fully seen that’s when your business soars. Because you may suffer comparisonitis, you may wonder whether your methods are right, you may feel like you are pushing through and things don’t feel right to you. Normally when things don’t feel right, they are not right.

So my invite to you today is to just “do you”, just do you and see what happens because even though you might feel like somebody over here is much more outgoing than you, somebody over here is way more successful than you, somebody over here seems to have endless clients and never has a problem in replenishing their client diary. But the thing is your ideal client who you’re the perfect match for could really be out there but they can’t see you if they can’t see you, how do they know that you are the right person for them? Because you absolutely are the right person for somebody, I guarantee you that.

But if you are hiding behind busy work, if you are procrastinating, if you’re very very busy, busy..I’ve been there where you are so busy, so busy but actually your income and your impact isn’t matching that busyness then perhaps it’s time to let yourself be seen. All of you. Because your dream clients really really need to see all of you, because ultimately if there’s one thing I have learnt over the years, all these years of learning and growing as a therapist myself it’s that if you are trying to be somebody else or if you are trying to emulate someone else’s ways or the way that they run their business or the message that they give to their clients.

Then what’s going to happen? Ultimately what’s going to happen here is that your ideal clients that signs up with you, perhaps they sign up with you for your program, for your life changing program and suddenly they meet a different version of you on the other side. That’s going to feel odd. So, be unapologetically yourself, because not only will it attract the absolute perfect client for you, and make you be magnetic to your ideal clients.

It will just feel so much better for you because if you are like me and you have very much decided to devote your profession to helping other people have better lives, then being yourself is kind of non negotiable. Because ultimately, I know we can do a lot of work obviously as a therapist, I’ve done a lot of work on myself but ultimately our personalities are what they are. And we really just don’t need to try to change to be somebody else, yes we can do in our work of course and iterate and improve ourselves but ultimately you are the perfect person, you are the perfect therapist or coach for your ideal client.

So in your messaging be you, in your videos do you. If you are a quiet introverted person in life, then let that be you. If you are loud and you’ve got an amazing sense of humor and you love to have some fun, let them see that side of you too. I promise it’s going to feel so much better for you and your ideal client is going to love you before they ever to sign up to work with you.

That’s my message for today – Just do you. Thank you and bye for now.